For those players who have registered and were unable to make one or both of the travel ball tryout days, we will be having a makeup day on Monday, July 6. Players who have gone to both previous tryout days should NOT come to this session. Coaches need to evaluate players they have not seen much of, as a priority.

**NOTE: WE NEED 8 YEAR OLDS! We have a few spots left open, and would love to have enough players for a full team of at least 12. Please feel free to share this to other parents of 8 year-olds who may be interested.

Registration for all ages is here:

SCHEDULE (Same as the other days):
All tryouts will be held at:
Meadowland Park Fields, 5 Mead Street, South Orange NJ 07079:

8u:  5:30 – 6:45pm M4
9u:  5:30 – 6:45pm M2
10u:  5:30 – 6:45pm M1
11u:  7 – 8:30pm M1

There is a currently a 20-35% chance of light rain in the forecast. We will be tracking the data and let you know if it this becomes anything worse that would cancel the sessions. For field updates, please check the South Orange Rec twitter feed on this website’s homepage. If a closure isn’t announced there, fields are open.


In order to hold safe and successful tryouts, the following guidelines and protocols are provided below. All baseball activity must follow federal, state, and local public health authority orders, guidelines, and recommendations.

–Encourage your player to warm up before arrival to the field
–All players should show up 10-15 minutes before the tryout, no earlier
–Players of the “later” group must wait until the previous tryout group has left the field before allowing your tryout group to enter.
–All players must wear a “face covering” until they enter the field of play
–At least one parent or guardian must wait onsite until temperature and symptoms check is complete. Parents may remain onsite for the duration of the tryout if they choose.

ALL SPECTATORS (except children under the age of two) are required to wear masks while at the Meadowlands fields.

Organizers and safety helpers will be at the fields when you arrive to guide you through the following process:

CHECK-IN: Players and parents will go to the check in area, either between M1 and M4, M2 and M3, or near the field of their tryout. Face coverings MUST be worn at any field area.
Confirm registration and be marked as attending tryouts
Confirm signing of the waiver, or sign waiver onsite if you have not.
Receive their sticker/number. Players must place the sticker on themselves.

HEALTH SCREENING: Players will then proceed to the tryout to be screened:

The Temperature and Health Screener will administer a temperature and symptom(s) check on each player at the time of arrival, OUTSIDE the field of play.
Any players with elevated temperature or failed screening questions must be noted and the child sent home.
If the player is cleared, they can proceed to the field for tryouts with the following:
The social distance monitor will inform parents to accompany the player to their spot to help place equipment and find their spot, and they must then go to spectator areas in the outfield (recommended) or any place safely away from the player areas. Parents SHOULD NOT be watching tryouts from the 1st and 3rd base sides near the flow of player movement.
The social distance monitor will observe and communicate to parents that they should not go near the player area to speak to their child unless necessary. Parents should not be hovering around the fences, and/or talking or shouting to their player while their child is on the field.
Players will set up/unpack and hang bag and/or drop off equipment and wait for instruction from the coaches

A coach or tryout leader will then explain the tryout and direct players to warmups .