Hello SOM Baseball Players and Parents,

We are in the midst of fall, but our executive committee is hard at work alongside the South Orange Recreation department, planning our spring 2021 recreation season–as well as looking for ideas to offer optional offseason training during the winter.

The executive committee is comprised of subcommittee chairs, each volunteering substantial time and talents to make our baseball program a success. You may find the full subcommittee list on this website, including chairs and contact information. If you are interested in joining one–or more!–of our subcommittees, please reach out to that subcommittee chair, or to our president and South Orange Recreation Director Pete Travers (ptravers@southorange.org), or to me directly (pbachorz@yahoo.com). We are always grateful for volunteers on our subcommittees and there are varied opportunities to help manage our program. You do not have to be a coach, or know how to play baseball, in order to serve as a subcommittee volunteer (although coaches are always welcome to help in this way too!). Time commitment for our subcommittees is flexible. We are all volunteers, and any time you can give us is valued and appreciated.

As the executive committee’s new vice president, I would like to thank each member for agreeing to serve as volunteer leaders in the coming year. I would especially like to welcome and congratulate our new members: Dan Fleetwood, Richard Franco, Jesse Hein, Catherine Pieroni and Jason Rando. Additionally, I want to recognize and thank our retired members for their service: Greg Dawkins, Jerry Donaty, Matt Greenblatt, Mark Hall, Chris Henry, Tom Johnson, Dave Maitlin, Ed Matthews, and Jon Schwartz.

As always, please watch for program updates in your e-mail, on this website, and via our Facebook and Instagram accounts.

We can’t wait to take the field again in 2021!

Pam Bachorz

Vice President, SOM Baseball Committee