Rec Age Levels

League placement for all players is based on the child's age as of April 30. A child must be 5 years old by April 30 in order to participate. Please use the below chart to determine which league your child will play in.

We manage our age groups to ensure that every player, regardless of skill level, gets a fair and fun opportunity to play ball. This aims to ensure that every player is treated equally. It also helps to ensure that all players are in a safe environment.

Players ALWAYS have the option to participate at the next lower level if a parent believes it to be in the child’s best interest. “Playing up” is NOT permitted except where noted.

  • T-Ball American League – Age 5. The use of a stationary batting tee helps develop the proper swing and
    confidence. Balls are softer and designed for first-time players to help build confidence and reduce the risk of injury. This program includes instruction time and game time. Teams are randomly formed by the South Orange Recreation Dept.
  • T-Ball National League – Age 6. The use of a stationary batting tee helps develop the proper swing and
    confidence. Halfway through the season, coaches may pitch to players who are ready. Balls are softer and designed for first-time players. Teams are randomly formed by the South Orange Recreation Dept.
  • Rookie American League – Age 7. This program is designed for children who have a basic understanding of simple fielding techniques, and the eye/hand coordination necessary to swing the bat at a pitched ball. Coaches will pitch to their own team in the beginning of the season. Depending on ability, players will have the opportunity to pitch to their own team in the second half of the season. Teams are randomly formed by the South Orange Recreation Dept.
  • Rookie National League – Age 8. This program is designed for children who have a basic understanding of simple fielding techniques and the eye/hand coordination necessary to swing the bat at a pitched ball. Players will pitch to the opposing team from the beginning of the season. Teams are randomly formed by the South Orange Recreation Dept.
  • Minor League – Age 9. All Minor League Players must attend Player Evaluations. Team members are then selected by individual parent volunteer coaches. Players pitch in the Minor League. After approximately two weeks of practice, a round-robin schedule of league games begins. 8 year olds may try out to "play up" in the Minor League but are not guaranteed a spot on a Minor League team.
  • Cal Ripken Majors 60 – Ages 10 & 11. All M60 League players must attend Player Evaluations. All 10 year old and most 11 year old players will play in the Majors 60. Team members are selected by individual parent volunteer coaches. After approximately two weeks of practice, a round-robin schedule of league games begins.
  • Cal Ripken Majors 70 – Age 12. All M70 League players must attend Player Evaluations. All 12 year olds and a limited number of 11 year olds will play on a 50/70 field (pitching distance of 50 feet and bases 70 feet apart). This is a “step up” from the traditional 46/60 format and a great transition game to prepare our players for playing on the “big diamond” (60/90) when they turn 13. Team members are selected by parent volunteer coaches based on the coaches’ evaluation of each player at tryouts. After approximately two weeks of practice, a round-robin schedule of league games begins. 11 year olds may try out for the Majors 70 League but are not guaranteed a spot on a Majors 70 League team.
  • Babe Ruth League – Ages 13 -15. All Babe Ruth players must attend Player Evaluations. Team members are
    selected by individual parent volunteer coaches. After approximately two weeks of practice, a round-robin schedule of league
    games begins.


2019201920192019201920192019201920202020202020205T-Ball American
2018201820182018201820182018201820192019201920196T-Ball National
2017201720172017201720172017201720182018201820187Rookie American
2016201620162016201620162016201620172017201720178Rookie National (1)
20142014201420142014201420142014201520152015201510Majors 60
20132013201320132013201320132013201420142014201411Majors 60 (2)
20122012201220122012201220122012201320132013201312Majors 70
20112011201120112011201120112011201220122012201213Babe Ruth
20102010201020102010201020102010201120112011201114Babe Ruth
20092009200920092009200920092009201020102010201015Babe Ruth

Notes and Exceptions:

Any player wishing to participate at the next lower level may do so if the parent believes it to be in the best interest of the child. “Playing up” is NOT permitted, with the following exceptions:

(1) All 8 year olds MUST register as Rookie National but can also check the box on the registration form indicating they will try out for Minors.  After registration is complete and tryouts/evaluations are over, a limited number of 8 year old players (based on tryout/evaluation results) will be offered the option to play in the Minor League.

(2) All 11 year olds MUST register as Majors 60 but can also check the box on the registration form indicating they will try out for Majors 70. After registration is complete and tryouts/evaluations are over, a limited number of 11 year old players (based on tryout/evaluation results) will be offered the option to play in the Majors 70 division.