Safety Crew Cheat Sheet
Safety Ambassador
The role of the Safety Ambassador is to remind the players, coaches, and fans of the required rules we must follow to play baseball in this year.
Bring a backpack, or cinch sac to carry extra masks, hand sanitizer gloves and thermometer.
Walk around your 2 designated fields in a figure-8 to cover all sides of the fields
Things to remind:
Must view the game from behind the outfield fencing
Must be wearing a mask
Maintain social distance
If they are not on the playing field, they must be wearing their masks
Outside of the field, the players should always be in their spot
No physical contact with each other (high fives)
Always wear a mask
Keep socially distanced from players
No physical contact with players
Disinfect any shared equipment
If a anyone will not comply with a rule, and in your judgement, the situation imposes a risk to others around. Text Mark @ 917-887-3177 with a location and description of the situation. A committee member will take it from there.
Safety Screener
- Please arrive a little before your start time
- WEAR A MASK – protect yourself (gloves if you wish)
- There will be a tent, 2 chairs, 2 thermometers, and a clipboard.
- There will be a symptom sign hanging from the tent.
- Screen the other Screener – be safe
- Bring the children up 1 at a time (each screener can have a someone at the same time)
- They will be in a single file line, marked off on the ground
- They must have a mask
- Point to the sign and ask the player, and their guardian, if they have had any of those symptoms today
- Talk to them, they are kids
- A little humor helps
- Ask them to take off their hat and hold their hair out of the way
- Take Temperature with the No Touch thermometer
- It should be 1 or 2 inches from their head
- If there are any POSITIVE symptoms or a temperature above 100.4
- Take down their full name and team name
- Inform the guardian that he must be symptom free for 3 days before returning
- Send them immediately home
- They should not go tell the coach, they should just leave.
- They can text/email the coach
- If there are NO POSITIVES
- Put a wristband on the player, and send them to their field
Once your 2 games start, give it 5 minutes, then pack the items in the bin, and go enjoy the game.
Take a picture of the “POSITIVES” and email it to