As we look to resume the 2020 baseball season, we are in desperate need of a new type of volunteer: members of our Safety Crew. This role is going to be essential in order to have a baseball season. You don’t need baseball skills–all you need is a desire to help and a willingness to give some time.

These are the roles that we need to fill with volunteers:

SAFETY CREW CHIEF: We need one or several volunteer leaders to help recruit, train, organize and support our Safety Crew. If you are interested in being considered, please e-mail Peter Travers, Director of Recreation, at

TEMPERATURE AND SYMPTOM CHECKER: These volunteers will take the temperature of players and coaches along with filling out a basic checklist for each player that will be sent back to the recreation department staff. The department will provide all thermometers and required PPE for these volunteers.

SOCIAL DISTANCING AMBASSADOR: These volunteers will be assigned time slots at specific locations and will be the friendly voice reminding our players, coaches and spectators to maintain social distance and to wear a mask when not engaged in play. They are not to be engaged in actively watching games during this time and are just a patrol to make sure we are meeting the standards we have set.

PLEASE HELP! We will not have a season if we don’t have Safety Monitors. Our coaches can’t be expected to handle these duties. Imagine being a swim team coach and a lifeguard at the same time. It’s not in anyone’s best interest. So please, volunteer to be a a member of our essential Safety Crew! This is a chance for any community member to step up and volunteer. And please, spread the word: any member of our community is invited to participate. Safety Crew members do not have to have children in the program, in order to help out.

In order to volunteer, please fill out this form: If you have any questions, please e-mail

THANK YOU for helping to make this season a success!