We miss seeing you out on the ballfields. This has been a time of uncertainty and challenge for everyone in our community, and we hope that our baseball families are faring as well as can be expected. Thank you for your patience as we have suspended activities according to state and local requirements.

We have good news. Our governor announced today that outdoor sports practices can resume on June 22. Please be patient as we work with our local leaders to determine what this will look like for our program. Please be assured that we are planning to start our full recreation baseball season as soon as possible, playing into the summer.

Even more good news: recently, Governor Murphy allowed for the usage of outdoor baseball cages, and President Collum has agreed that we may open up our outdoor batting cages in South Orange–provided that we all carefully follow the social distancing and health requirements of our community.

Two outdoor cages are currently available at the Meadowlands, and one additional cage will soon be installed, thanks to sponsorship funds raised over the years. Your child may take advantage of this opportunity through their assigned team. Their coach will reserve the cage and communicate that time to members of the team. It is essential that coaches, players and parents follow the guidelines that we have established.

We hope that you are as excited about this opportunity as we are. Please note that this is NOT a mandatory activity for any player or coach. Each individual must make their own decision about their level of comfort with participating.