Thank you for your patience as we work to make our 2020 baseball season a reality.

This post has two important updates for our Minors, M60 and M70 division players. Please note that Babe Ruth, T-Ball and Rookie divisions are running on slightly different schedules that will be communicated soon.

1. TEAM ASSIGNMENTS: In order to minimize disruption of existing teams, and after consulting with a number of coaches, we are NOT conducting a redraft and forming teams from scratch. Rather, we are reassigning individual players to new teams, on as limited a basis as possible. We have made these changes based on data from our winter evaluations. These new rosters are COMPLETE. Coaches will be informed tonight of their team changes. Expect to hear from your 2020 coach soon! If your player is assigned to a new team, you should see that change occur in TeamSnap this week.

2. OPENING DAY: We anticipate that the first games in these divisions will be set for Saturday, July 11. Please know that this date could shift slightly, depending on field needs and volunteer availability. Stay tuned for your game schedules in TeamSnap and on our website. The season will last for three weeks plus one more week for playoffs.

If you have questions about registration or the season, please e-mail