We’re getting closer to opening day! As you may know, we are cleared for team practices beginning June 22, with specific guidelines from the NJ Department of Health coming this weekend. We are still awaiting guidelines for games, and will send that update as soon as we hear from the Governor’s office.

In the next day or two, some age levels (Minors, M60 and M70) you will be receiving an email from their coaches confirming your status on the team for the upcoming season. PLEASE REPLY to your coaches by Tuesday, June 16 with a yes or no, as we expect that some players will not be able to participate this season. In the next few weeks, we will be recruiting new coaches, and also shifting team assignments, if shifting coach or player participation requires us to do so. Your prompt response will be extremely helpful to us in ensuring a successful and rewarding season.

T-Ball, Rookie and Babe Ruth families will hear directly from the Baird in the weeks to come.

We will be continuing to send out more communications about how our season will work, including schedule information, as soon as we can. Thank you for your patience, stay safe, and hope to see you on the field soon!